
Since the purpose of Osler is to rally physicians around an effort to reclaim the profession in order to fix healthcare, Osler needs to be governed by physicians.


The Osler Foundation consists of a board, appointed by physicians, and an executive team, appointed by the board.


The executive team interfaces with physician representatives to address issues and determine major policy decisions such as how much Osler to allocate to pools. The executive team develops and introduces formal proposals to be be voted on by the physician representatives.


Physician specialties are placed in either a primary care or specialty physician grouping. For a proposal introduced by the executive team to be approved or rejected, both the primary care group and the specialist group must be in agreement with their vote. If there is a disagreement, the proposal goes to the board for a tiebreaker vote.


The board consists of 11 members:

  • 2 representatives from the value-based care space 
  • 1 representative from a surgical society 
  • 1 representative from a primary care society 
  • 1 representative from a self-insured employer 
  • 1 representative from the blockchain space 
  • 1 representative from legal 
  • 1 representative from a hospital system 
  • 1 representative from an ASC system 
  • 1 patient advocate representative 
  • 1 representative from government sponsored healthcare (CMS, MHS)

Executive Nominations

The executive team is nominated by the board and approved by the voting body of physicians.

Role of Influence Healthcare

Influence Healthcare will reside over establishment of the governance structure. The Osler Foundation will begin governance no later than six months after 30% of Osler has been allocated to building the early network.


The ultimate goal is to automate the governance of Osler through a series of smart contracts. Once Osler reaches an autonomous state requiring zero interventions for 24 consecutive months, the Osler Foundation and the voting body of physicians will be disbanded.